Arnica montana extract is also listed in the European Pharmacopoeia as a method of treating swelling and bruising. It is the first commonly used prescription for sprains and bruises. Because of its callus and anti-inflammatory properties, arnica is used externally in many situations, such as muscle pain, superficial phlebitis, rheumatic back pain, inflammation of insect bites, and swelling caused by fractures. Arnica can increase blood flow, promote wound healing and reabsorption of oozing blood during internal bleeding. Arnica prescription can also increase postoperative wound healing. . Some chemical ingredients in Arnica flower make it have wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. These ingredients include sesquiterpene lactone, flavonoids, thymol, mucus and stamen
Long-term high doses may be deposited in the soft tissues, irreversibly damage the kidneys and cardiovascular system. Like other fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin D3 can be toxic. Symptoms of too much vitamin D3 include nausea, weakness, constipation, irregular heartbeat, weight loss, seizures, and irritability.
Vitamin D3 is one of those vitamins for which a deficiency can cause severe effects. Children that do not get enough vitamin D3 in their diets are at increased risk of developing rickets, a disease that causes malformations of bones and teeth in children. Adults with low levels of vitamin D3 are more likely to develop osteomalacia (similar to rickets) and to suffer from osteoporosis, a bone-weakening disease.
Vitamin D3 also regulates the nervous system, aiding in the treatment of insomnia. A glass of warm milk before bed may indeed help you sleep soundly! Vitamin D3 deficiency has also been linked to the development of other illnesses, including type I diabetes, muscle and bone pain, and cancer.