Environmentally friendly polymer disinfectant - polyhexamethylene oxime, with broad spectrum of sterilization; low effective concentration; fast action; stable nature; excellent performance in water solubility; can be used at room temperature; Bacteria, no side effects; no corrosive; colorless, odorless; non-toxic; non-combustible, non-explosive, safe to use; moderate price; convenient transportation, can be said to be the best fungicide. In fact, the product is an environmentally friendly, versatile new polymer that is used in a wide range of applications in industry, agriculture, medical and everyday life.
It is an antiseptic and bactericide. This is broad-spectrum fugicide, take effective for kill gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, fungus and yeast; usually used for swimming pool bactericide, universal detergent and disinfector as a fugicide.Compare with PHMG, it has a better bacteriostasis effect for Aspartate bacillis, beer yeast and Aspergillus niger than PHMG.