Longyu High Enzyme Activity Enzyme Protease Price
Protease enzyme was extracted by liquid culture of Bacillus licheniformis NO.2709. This product is an enzyme preparation catalyzing protein hydrolysis under alkaline condition (PH during 9-12). It is suitable for industries such as enzymatic detergent, leather depilation, silk degumming, and protein hydrolysis.
Protease enzyme was extracted by liquid culture of Bacillus licheniformis NO.2709. This product is an enzyme preparation catalyzing protein hydrolysis under alkaline condition (PH during 9-12). It is suitable for industries such as enzymatic detergent, leather depilation, silk degumming, and protein hydrolysis.
1. Improve metabolic energy utilization rate of meal like raw material soybean meal, cottonseed meal, rapeseed meal, reduce chyme viscosity, improve animal production performance and increase feed/gain ratio.
2. Completely degrade oligosaccharide of meal like raw materials, reduce nutrients residue in chyme, and increase nutrient utilization rate.
3. Eliminate flatulence, diarrhea of mono-gastric animals, deal to digestive disorders caused by oligosaccharide.
4. Ease or avoid alimentary apparatus compensatory hyperplasia, reduce animal maintenance requirements, improve feed energy valence.